Friday, July 21, 2006

Dog and Pony Shows

Our nation’s boxoffices having been thoroughly sated on the likes of Superman and The Pirates Of The Caribbean, isn’t it time we enjoyed a good animal adventure, with a noble, nay majestic, dog or horse billed above the title, just so there’s no doubt as to who, or what, the star is? I’d go see a new Rin-Tin-Tin picture if they’d just make one. Same for Rex --- unsaddled equine sheik staining the wilds with human blood --- that’s for me! They say The Devil Horse is a honey of a show. Rex fights "outlaw" horses, mountain lions, and Yakima Canutt. You know it's bound to be great. I would very much like to have been in that lobby to see the fire-lit infernal horse head. And how about Rin-Tin-Tin --- in person. Five shows a day plus a fifty-piece orchestra. Why did I have to be born so late? The few Rintys I’ve seen are really good. He’s a better actor than much of what we have in the way of thespic talent today, I think. His emotional range is certainly more extensive. We need Rinty and Rex pictures on DVD! No doubt most, if not all, of them are in the public domain. Let’s deluge these studios with our demands! The wait for good animal thrills has gone on too long --- put these dogs and horses on our home theatre screens now!

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