Saturday, July 08, 2006

What's Frank Up To Here?

The Sinatra image obviously lent itself to this sort of advertising, but I do wonder what this Indian costume surrounded by the whiskey bottles thing is all about. Another ad? Somehow I doubt it. Anyway, it seemed the best idea was to pass along the frustration to Greenbriar readers, who by now should be accustomed to it. I don’t think I would have approached Frank’s table to admonish him about his smoking. He would likely not have had Clark Gable’s forbearance. I did read once that Sinatra seldom finished a cigarette once he lit it. Two of three puffs and he’d put it out. Of course, he’d light up another one moments later. No doubt Frank left a trail of barely spent fags in his wake. Maybe that’s why people followed him around so much --- just awaiting their chance to dive for his Chesterfield.


  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    A costume part with Juliet no doubt.

  2. I read in one of the Rat Pack accounts that Frank really wasn't much of a smoker. For one thing, he didn't inhale; like Bette Davis he'd rather puff than drag. For another, as you noted, he was good for about three puffs per nail. It was more of a prop for Frank; something to hold and cup while crooning. In fact, Sinatra used to scold Sammy for smoking too heavily... and who was the first of the threesome to check out?
