Closed On Account Of ...
Had hoped to get a weekend posting up, despite a first ever bout with kidney stones which came to call about 2:30 am Friday morning. If there’s worse pain in this life, I’ve not experienced it. Demerol’s a pleasant, if temporary, escape, though my weekend hopped up on said injections was anything but conducive to worthwhile (or even coherent) writing. I therefore plead the reader’s indulgence for whatever time is needed to overcome this insidious attack (I’m still waiting for the stone to pass) and do pledge restocking of Greenbriar shelves immediately upon recovery.
Oh, that's sad news! I hope you'll be well soon. All the best!
Get better soon, John!
As the Great Man himself once said:
"This too shall pass."
Good grief, kidney stones! For heaven's sake, take care of yourself; we can wait.
John, you are in my prayers. I have had THREE pass through my (ahem!) system and as a female friend said to me "it's like giving birth to a yucca plant.
Hang in there. you're site is remarkable and so are you.
The pain made faint once. It'll pass.
Ouch! Rest and relax.
Had 1 tiny kidney stone in 1980. Too small for the X ray to find it even. Had it for 6 months before quietly passing it but I have never had 1 again. The most excruciating pain I could imagine!
John: Ouch. Please take care of yourself.
Joe Thompson ;0(
Deepest sympathies on the stones. I had them twice on the same day. i got four rounds of morphine and an oxycondon combo. That sent me into La La land. Luckily I passed them within a day. After they pass make sure to always drink lots of water so that you might not get them again. My nurse in the emergency room told me she had children and kidney stones, and the stone hurt more than giving birth.
No need to apologize for the lack of posts. Take care of yourself first.
Whiskey might help move things along. It works in the movies, anyway. ;)
Take it easy and I hope the stone passes soon. Sorry you have to deal with this.
Get Well Soon!
I've had them THRICE! Ain't no fun. Believe me when I say I feel your pain, because it is beyond description.
Take care, sir, and know that you are in my prayers.
If possible, discontinue consumption of all caffeine as in coffee, soda, etc. And, drink copious amounts of water. Trust me, it helps.
On my way to surgery this morning (Tuesday), as it's not likely to pass otherwise, according to urologist. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and kind words.
Take care, John. Hope to see you back in the Greenbriar saddle soon.
May the mighty doctors of urology,
With whetted blade or sonic blast,
Prod your innards until
The hateful stones have passed.
And slake your pain with laudanum
(But not upset your duodenum)
For, John, this is no eulogy--
Take courage and Get Well Fast!
I've thoroughly enjoyed your site for almost a year now. Chin up and Get well soon!
Try taking hot water baths when you feel that pain. It dilates the inner walls of the kidneys so that the stones stop being in direct contact. Worked like a charm with my husband, who also suffered horribly until we discovered this trick. Get well soon!
Poor dear man! What an awful thing to have to endure. I hope the surgery has helped and you're out of the pain.
I hope everything is well with you. This is a great site but you need to take care of yourself. Best wishes.
I wish you a fast recovery.
In the meantime, here are links to a classic Argentine film that MGM bought it's distribution right (although now is in the public domain).
It is in Spanish (Oscar Grillo, among people here, will understand it), but it is masterpiece worth to be rediscovered.
Lord have mercy those are painful. Please feel better soon, John!
Tommy Gibbons
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