100% Pure Gravy ...

Warners prepared by going scissors-in-hand to PCA monitors in August 1953. Whatever needed cutting, they'd cut. Mischief made to Public Enemy's negative amounted to crime worse than that depicted in the film, a real grapefruit to faces of those expecting fun like old times. But what did newer generations know from footage trimmed? There was still Cagney, Robinson, and reputation both shows brandished like sidearms. Road-testing would come first. Little Caesar and Public Enemy booked into Broadway's Holiday Theatre, a 950-seat also-ran normally shut out of top first-run product, according to manager Mike Rose. He'd try the pair for a week and Warners would measure interest therefrom. What happened next, nobody saw coming. Little Caesar and Public Enemy knocked house records for a loop through five breathtaking weeks, $100,000 racked up in grosses. Warners now had wicket votes enough to proceed with nationwide rollout, confident that expense of fresh campaigning would be more than rewarded. Found money this was, but adding to it meant fresh paper, trailers, and new prints for saturation play. Quick run-off in opening months of 1954 was figured, only question being ... could Little Caesar and Public Enemy abide a tough winter?

These two oldsters rolled up a gross for seven days that would have been gratifying for a brand new super-production, said Motion Picture Herald reports out of Buffalo where the combo filled snowy dates (the first long line at the boxoffice in many, many months, according to management --- it extended two blocks). Bad weather was no deterrent as Little Caesar and Public Enemy spread across the northeast. Unlike the reissues aimed primarily for the small-town and nabe house, these pictures are aggressively pitched at the prime first-run situations before they are sold to the subsequents, said Variety of the gangster duo and other high-profile encores of the season, including The Best Years Of Our Lives, The Egg and I, and Pinocchio. The pictures, in short, are handled exactly as an important new release (note Warner's trade ad here with Caesar/Enemy on equal footing with Hondo, The Command, and other new arrivals). For Little Caesar and Public Enemy, response was topping that accorded fresh fare out of competing majors. Wham biz in Detroit saw Cagney/Robinson ahead of The Eddie Cantor Story, Take The High Ground, and Forbidden, all first-run but second to the vintage pair. Same was happening in Los Angeles, with Little Caesar/Public Enemy in two prime locations downtown, trampling much of what was just out of neighboring gates. Variety's nationwide survey in late January put the combo at # 8 for all features in release at the time, unusually sock for two oldies.

There would be an interesting footnote to the Little Caesar/Public Enemy revival. Mike Rose, whose Holiday Theatre in New York started it all, came back to Warners requesting another gangster combo for his 1954 July 4 program. Once again, the Holiday served as testing ground, said Variety, to learn if lightning strikes the same place twice. Featured was Smart Money, a 1931 pairing of Robinson and Cagney, and The Roaring Twenties, 1939's look back at prohibition gangland, also starring Cagney. The combination started strong with a $22,000 opening week, dropping to $14,000 the following, with $8,000 and $5,200 banked a third and fourth week. Unusually fine for oldies and comparing with great biz done by Little Caesar and Public Enemy, said Variety, but total from the four week engagement at $49,200 was less than half the $100,000 realized on Caesar/Enemy, deep-sixing plans for country-wide release. Two years later, all four features would shuffle off to television, with Public Enemy playing there for a next fifty years in the truncated version generated for its '54 reissue. Warners has more recently put back footage long missing for DVD consumers, and Amazon Streaming now offers both Public Enemy and Little Caesar for on-demand viewing in high-definition.
July 7-8, 1954 - VICTORY Theatre, Salisbury, N.C.
December 19-21, 1954 - SKYLINE Drive-In Theatre, Salisbury, N.C.
There are so many wonderful things to learn from this post, but the most interesting one is the fact that Little Ceasar was edited for most of its life.
saw the Public Enemy/Little Caesar combo on the big screen at The Granada here in the early 70s..on a 16.9 screen more suited to showing classics(which they showed in abundance) in full screen,unlike the Casa Linda where I saw a Dracula/Frankenstein combo the same year on their Widescreen with the heads really chopped!
In a few years everyone(along with the Monsters) would be gangster crazy..with TV shows like The Untouchables The Roaring Twenties and movies like Al Capone,The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond and Machine Gun Kelly..etc.
Ah, the pre-VHS age of reissues. I recall the regular returns of Disney flicks -- not only the animated ones but live action as well. If memory serves, "Treasure Island" and "Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow" (the latter a pasteup of some television episodes) went out as a double feature in the 1970s, with nicely matched posters ("Pirates' Gold!" "Smugglers' Loot!"). According to Maltin, Disney had to clip a pirate taking a bullet to get a G rating.
Also recall reading in the late 70s that Disney stepped up their re-release program to raise quick cash for their Florida "city". Not sure if that was true -- haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere -- or just a reporter's guess.
Speaking of popular reissues, wonder which movie had the most official re-releases? Gone with the Wind? King Kong?
Bill, my guess would be the Disney animated classics ... and GWTW among most revived live action features. "King Kong" had four official reissues that I'm aware of, and "The Ten Commandments," I believe, had three.
My guess would be SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, which (I think) has been reissued eight times.
The champ in recent years -- and not because of popular demand! -- might be BLAZING STEWARDESSES, the 1975 Yvonne DeCarlo-Ritz Brothers-Don Barry feature. It's been issued four times (as BLAZING STEWARDESSES, TEXAS LAYOVER, CATHOUSE COWGIRLS, and THE GREAT TRUCK ROBBERY).
I suspect the all-time reissue leaders are the Charlie Chaplin shorts of 1914-17; reissues of some titles might be in the double digits!
One of our downtown theatres seemed to have a print on-hand of THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. I can't tell you how many times that seemed to play at the Auditorium Theatre here.
Also, a summer didn't go by without a drive-in showing of Robert Mitchum's THUNDER ROAD.
Plus, I can remember attending a drive-in showing of THE GRAPES OF WRATH and TOBACCO ROAD aometime in the early '70s as well.
John, your experience sounds very much like ours. "Thunder Road" was a drive-in and hardtop mainstay here right to the mid-seventies, while both "The Grapes Of Wrath" and "Tobacco Road" played heavily through most of the 1960's, often as a combo ...
THUNDER ROAD was never "officially" reissued by UA.
The prints just stayed in the exchanges until they wore out. Several new prints were struck by the mid-60s because drive-ins in the South continued to book the film. I played it in 1973, and it was still booked on percentage. UA never sold THUNDER ROAD at a flat rate.
GONE WITH THE WIND was officially re-issued in 1942, 1947, 1954, 1961, 1967, 1974, 1989 and 1998.
I wonder if Robinson's 50s Warner films like "Illegal" were a response to the success of this double bill.And if I'd known how many old movies were still shown theatrically in the South in the 70s, I'd have gone crazy, wanting to move there.
In some ways, we were like a real-life Hooterville and Pixley down here, although we never got around to hosting Ricahrd Arlen and Buddy Rogers for a latter-day premiere of "Wings" (if only!).
I wonder if any of the audiences for Public Enemy/Little Caesar were consciously aware of the fact that these were "pre-code" (had that term been developed yet?) and made with a little more "freedom" then the "new" product out there.
> The champ in recent years -- and not because of popular demand! -- might be BLAZING STEWARDESSES, the 1975 Yvonne DeCarlo-Ritz Brothers-Don Barry feature.
Less "re-releases" than "perpetual release," movies like Night of the Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Last House on the Left and, inexplicably, "don't Look in the Basement" seemed to pass through as part of drive-in triple features at leas onece every summer from the mid-70s to early-mid 80s.
Mr. Mcelwee:Did your town have a Mr. Haney-How'd ya like to buy a gen-u-wine, electrified, fortified, mechanical flicker machine complete with the 5 minute version of "Ben-Hur"?
Brother, it's a town filled with Haneys.
Strange how certain films seem to resonate forever. ....can recall the grapefruit sequence, the end of Rico and cuts from THE DENTIST being used in very early PBS arty films in the 70s...just in time for the nostalgia wave.
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