THE CRADLE OF COURAGE (1920)--- Bill Hart
always went for great character names: he's "Square" Kelly here, a thief and crook operative who comes back from Great War trenches ready to
turn over an honest leaf. Gangdom in silents was strictly bush-league, scruffy
barflys casual burgling upscale houses on nearby blocks. The Cradle Of Courage
presages mischief engaged by starting-out Veto Corleone in The Godfather: Part
Two, only Cradle's got Bill to don copper blues and put rout to miscreant pals
he once led. Frisco locations enhance Courage as Hart takes bracing walks
up/down steep hills not many years after the '06 Quake leveled them. Bill in
civvies is not startling remove from his frontier dress, as 1920 life is
sufficiently old west to ease transition. Action's at minimum, though by then
it mattered less for Hart's glare being threat enough to bad men. He does all
he did best here --- Bill in a moral dilemma was surest thing to please fans of
this greatest man of the plains. The Cradle Of Courage was but mildest tweak at
the formula, and works. What's better still is an excellent transfer Grapevine Video
supplies in their DVD release.
LIBERTY (1929)--- It's by nature funnier to watch convicts
escape in striped uniforms than orange jumpsuits they wear today. Libertyhas Laurel and
Hardy skipping gaol for virtual tour of simpler times Culver
City and breathtaking view of greater Los Angeles from highness of a skyscraper in
progress, this faked to heart-stop conviction. If ever a short stayed in its
makers memory, Liberty
was one;twenty-five years later on This Is You Life, the team would
reminisce with guest Leo McCarey about risks they took. Liberty was released January 1929, had a
music/effects score (essential for fullest enjoyment) made up of pop tunes
hummed widely then (and since by me). It's a polished subject befitting Roach's
release arrangement with MGM and that company's resource to put L&H before
widest-ever patronage.
Some of the Culver filming sites are still
there, fans having made pilgrimage and matched brick-for-brick where Stan and
Babe tried changing pants in avoidance of shocked onlookers. That's the trick
of a first half ... the boys in their breaking out rush are in one another's
trousers and there's no retreat to which they can right themselves. Observers
happening by think there's something quite different (and unwholesome) afoot.
Could Laurel and Hardy have gotten away with this five years later under Code
watchfulness? Not likely. I wonder frankly how subsequent owner Library Films,
Inc. managed a Liberty
reissue, which apparently they did, without difficulty getting a Seal. Did PCA monitors
sign their pass without looking?
Interesting too is Stan pants nearly fitting Babe
--- well, at least they'll button in front. Hardy was less fat than robust in
'29. A fitter word might be stout. Further Liberty bonus is Jean Harlow briefly
glimpsed, not close-up unfortunately, but recognizable and at stardom's
cusp. You could argue that Liberty
is two one-reelers pasted in the middle, with pants-switch an initial concern
and getting L/H off their high hurdle the next. Home movie moochers were later
able to split it thus, piratical distribs circulating Liberty bits as
dizzy-titled Skywalking, High Jinx, Crab Bait, among others (read fascinating
detail of this in Scott MacGillivray's Laurel and Hardy: From The Forties Forward). Mile-up comedy wasn't typical of L&H, but Liberty hazard was real enough according to
later account --- a fall, despite platforms installed below, might well
have been injurious. It's in part that, plus otherwise excellence, that puts Liberty among best
Stan/Babe silents.
NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH (1940)--- You forget how
fine a thing is for letting years pass since viewing. This is a British
Hitchcock with all but Hitchcock to assure crackling good times and wit to rank
high as when the Master made hislady vanish two years before. Well, why
shouldn't staff remaining re-use what worked so beautifully for AH? Carol Reed
directs after light-touch fashion of Hitchcock, his Nazis kidded as they'd not
be again till Ernst Lubitsch did To Be Or Not To Be. You'd think Night Train
was an outright sequel to The Lady Vanishes for drollsters Charters and
Caldicott (Basil Radford & Naunton Wayne) back aboard and befuddled as ever
by sinister goings-on. The danger is real, however, and suspense easily
maintains over a ninety-minute ride. I sat wondering how many more are as good
as this, concluding that yes, most Hitchcocks, but also others written by
inspired team of Frank Launder and Sidney Gilliat, who also penned The Lady
Vanishes. These two would write and/or direct a brace of thrillers near or
altogether the equal of Hitchcock at full steam (Green For Danger a classic
I'll soon revisit). Night Train To Munich gets a full marks transfer from
Just revisited NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH a couple of weeks ago. Terrific show and you gotta love the cable car finale!
LIBERTY falls into that surprisingly smallish group of late-period silents that require absolutely no inter-titles. The visuals tell you everything...EVERYTHING... you need to know to enjoy the story!
Steve, I have "Rome Express" coming up in a future "Watch List," the notes having been written over a month ago, but WL's are so stacked up in advance of publishing that it will be months before "Rome Express" actually pulls in. Notes I'm writing today won't actually show up on the site until sometime next Fall.
I do, by the way, REALLY like "Rome Express." It's one of the great viewing discoveries so far in 2013.
Just revisited NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH a couple of weeks ago. Terrific show and you gotta love the cable car finale!
LIBERTY falls into that surprisingly smallish group of late-period silents that require absolutely no inter-titles. The visuals tell you everything...EVERYTHING... you need to know to enjoy the story!
For another good train ride (with murder) BEFORE Lady Vanishes, try ROME EXPRESS with Conrad Veidt as a laughing psycho.
Very nice DVD from VCI.
Steve, I have "Rome Express" coming up in a future "Watch List," the notes having been written over a month ago, but WL's are so stacked up in advance of publishing that it will be months before "Rome Express" actually pulls in. Notes I'm writing today won't actually show up on the site until sometime next Fall.
I do, by the way, REALLY like "Rome Express." It's one of the great viewing discoveries so far in 2013.
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